Chateau des Tourelles
Le Fayoum imaginaire.
Oscar Carvallo - Duo Show
Chateau des Tourelles
March 2022
Art Video by Michael Renassia
The technique Fayoum
Oscar discovered the ancient technique from the Greco Roman times, during the first century in Egipt, with the portraits of the Pharaons made by the greek artists and the Italian culture from the city of Pompeii. The technique is called "Encaustique" or wax painting, used since the antique times, a technique that uses the colors in powder mixed with the bee wax, usually done on wood, but what makes these portraits last for ever is the Skin rabbit varnish to protect the paintings from time. The portraits of the Pharaohs were made in this technique to place them on their magnifient coffins and be remembered as in today's we still can appreciate them at the muséum of Louvre.
The ancient technique becomes comtemporary.
The art work of Oscar Carvallo is a mixture of the experience between the Couture world and the history of an ancient civilisation, being inspired by all his collections with interesting thèmes like, "La femme Poisson " Eagle eye" "Voyage Cinetique " and many others. The trasformation of a couture dress in couture painting, bringing the expression of the past to the contemporary art. Oscar says "Art is a very strong way that expresses human thoughts, art makes us travel to an imaginary world in an idéal form, it opens to us to the unknown sensations belonging to the unconceous of the artist and it communicates differently to each one of us."
The work of art of Carvallo has been already exposed in France at the " Chateau des Tourelles" in a collective expo together with french artist Alexander Litchblau and video artist Michael Renassia who brought back to life the Carvallo Fayoum, showing a collection of his first 20 Immaginary portraits. At the Venice Bienale at the Centro Espositivo San Vidal and in Toscany at Sorano in the Cortilone this last summer.